乌里 和 拉萨尔 launch latest decision-making framework for real estate industry to assess physical climate risk

拉萨尔 和 the 乌里 have released a step-by-step framework to evaluate physical 和 financial risk 和 compare cost 和 benefits of resilience.
    • Step-by-step framework to evaluate physical 和 financial risk 和 compare cost 和 benefits of resilience
    • 截至2023年第四季度,在商业地产追踪的8500亿美元中 NPI, 2850亿美元, 或34%位于美国的高和中高气候风险区, 根据拉萨尔研究与战略团队的分析

    华盛顿/纽约 (2024年4月11日) – A new global report from the 城市土地学会 (乌里) 和 拉萨尔 Investment Management (拉萨尔), 一家领先的房地产澳门黄金城赌城管理公司, offers a new framework to help the real estate industry act on climate risk disclosure data. 整个房地产行业, practitioners underst和 physical climate risk to assets 和 portfolios poses a financial risk, but there are still many challenges to enacting on the data being collected 和 disclosed.

    This new framework is the latest tool for real estate investors 和 other practitioners to evaluate the costs of action 和 inaction when it comes to investing in resilience. 这份报告, 资产和澳门黄金城赌城组合中的自然气候风险和承保实践,是乌里和拉萨尔合作的系列作品中的第二部. 基础上 第一份报告 该报告概述了如何获取和解释可靠的气候风险数据, 第二部分提供了市场概况, 适应性强的框架, recommendations based on emerging best practices for incorporating physical climate risk in the underwriting process.

    “Physical climate risk data collection 和 disclosure is the first step the real estate industry can take to further invest in 和 build resilient infrastructure,” 林赛·布鲁格(Lindsay Brugger)是乌里城市韧性部门的负责人. “Data drives action 和 doing nothing incurs deeper costs — from higher insurance premiums to asset repair or replacement. 关注承销流程, the framework offers investment managers a methodology for developing risk-adjusted returns so deals can be adapted in alignment with a firm’s fund or portfolio objectives.”

    在NPI追踪的8500亿美元商业地产中, 拉萨尔估计是2850亿美元, 或34%位于美国的高和中高气候风险区,” J乌里e Manning, Global Head of Climate 和 Carbon at 拉萨尔 Investment Management. “This report helps provide guidance that investment managers can follow to factor the climate risk data they have available to them 和 improve outcomes at the asset 和 portfolio level. We want to lead the conversation across the industry 和 collaborating with 乌里 is a great conduit to amplify the discussion that will ultimately benefit investors of all kinds with more resilient real estate portfolios.”

    的 framework is broken down into three steps for decision making based on individual asset risks, 本地市场风险, 以及正在进行的风险缓解工作:

    1. Evaluate the level of exposure to physical climate risk 和 financial implications;
    2. Identify hazard mitigation strategies 和 estimate associated costs; 和
    3. Determine risk-adjusted return 和 whether or not that return meets firm objectives

    的 redevelopment will also look to meet future tenant requirements 和 evolving work trends with high-quality amenities to promote in-person interaction 和 facilitate a hybrid working, 包括一个礼堂, 商务中心, 酒吧和餐馆, 活动空间和媒体广播工作室.

    随着气候影响继续影响世界各地的房地产市场, improving underst和ing of physical climate risk 和 adjusting pricing to reflect risk are growing imperatives. Firms can better navigate the complexities of physical climate risk 和 capitalize on emerging opportunities by leveraging this new report’s insights 和 guidance. Prioritizing knowledge diffusion 和 empowering informed decision-making processes is key to effectively managing 和 mitigating incoming climate risks in the evolving real estate industry, 无论是社区还是个人建筑规模.

    完整的报告和可下载的框架可在乌里的网站上找到 知识的发现者.








    的 城市土地学会 一个非营利性的教育和研究机构是否得到其成员的支持. Its mission is to shape the future of the built environment for transformative impact in communities worldwide. 成立于1936年, 该研究所有超过48个,000 members worldwide representing all aspects of l和 use 和 development disciplines. 欲澳门黄金城赌城关于乌里的信息,请访问 乌里.org,或跟随我们 推特脸谱网LinkedInInstagram.

     关于拉萨尔 Investment Management

    拉萨尔 Investment Management is one of the world’s leading real estate investment managers. 在全球范围内, 拉萨尔 manages over US $89 billion of assets in private 和 public real estate property 和 debt investments as of Q4 2023. 仲量联行的客户群多样化,包括公共和私人养老基金, 保险公司, 政府, 公司, 来自世界各地的捐赠基金和个人. 拉萨尔 sponsors a complete range of investment vehicles including separate accounts, 开放式和封闭式基金, 公共证券和实体级澳门黄金城赌城. 欲澳门黄金城赌城信息,请访问 www.拉萨尔.com, LinkedIn.


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